Created in after effects, this project is a promotional video for the popular music festival, Coachella. I wanted to emphasize the funky and bright aesthetic that we see at the festival while showing off some of Coachellas most iconic assets such as their astronaut installation at the venue. I also wanted to use music from their biggest headliner, Frank Ocean, because he has not preformed in years making it a massively anticipated festival. Coachella is a big event that highlights art, both physical and musical, fashion, and fun so when planning this project I wanted to be sure to display all its best qualities.



Original style frame:

My original concept was about the Coachella astronaut flying around and collecting the necessary and loved things for Coachella. I decided to have a more specific story of the astronaut getting ready to go to Coachella and passing by all things regarding the festival. I went in this direction because I wanted the story to be more focused on the astronauts journey to the festival.


Taco Bell Logo Animation


Collage Animation